Americas Horses, Donkeys and Mules

Take action: Select Safe Act

Select Horse Slaughter Advocates

Select Humane Society Stop Horse Slaughter For Human Consumption

Select Straight From The Horses Mouth

Select Why Is Equine meat not safe for human consumption

Select the truth behind horse slaughter 

DonkeyTime GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


4 thoughts on “Americas Horses, Donkeys and Mules

  1. Thanks for caring so much about our wild ones!

    I’m currently working on a Photo Book Project. It’s photos of Mustangs, and 50% of the profits will go straight to nonprofits. I don’t want to promise one single organization all the profits.There are so many, like the ones you mentioned, that works so hard trying to save our wild horses and burros in every way they can. I’m hoping that this project will be a passive income for our wild ones for many years to come. Feel free to check out the project

    thank you for your wonderful worl <3


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