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Donkey Bald Patch

bald spot

bald patch

Donkeys evolved from the desert. Donkeys’ fur and hooves do not like to stay wet.

Donkeys can get bald patches any time of the year. Donkeys love to grab (bite) the neck, hip and nip at the legs sometimes pulling large chunks of fur out. When you see this put a little neosporin on the skin. Then there is lice the most common in donkeys due to the birds pooping, immune system and the long fur coat on the donkey. Check for lice, ticks, and mites. ULTRA BOSS oil based work much better than powders due to the donkey’s thick and long fur coat. Pour down the top of the neck to the end of the tale, (do not get in the eyes) rub in deep with a brush to get past all the thick donkey fur. Repeat in seven days as this will kill the lice but not the lice eggs.  The second dose kills the eggs. Please check your donkeys body every day.

Bald patches on donkeys normally develop in the spring, late winter and fall but can occur any time of the year. Donkeys have longer hair than a horse. Donkeys are more susceptible to rain rot than horses. Make sure your donkey has access to shelter as clumps of hair fall out and bald patches develop. 

Fungus and rain rot can grow on donkeys, making flakey skin and clumps of hair coming out to raw skin. As soon as the weather is 70 degrees I give all our donkeys and horses a good bath with antiseptic fungus shampoo and cream rinse. Tie up the donkeys next to their donkey buddy. I never spray water in my donkeys or horses’ faces. I wash gently wash their face with a wash cloth.  Get the donkeys body wet before adding the medicated shampoo. Select Virbac medicated shampoo leave on for fifteen minutes use conditioner. In severe cases use betadine as a shampoo do not dilute it, will not foam up on the skin, leave on for fifteen minutes before rinsing and add the conditioner.

If after doing all of the above your donkey has not healed and started growing their hair back please call your vet as your donkey may have allergies. Donkeys can have allergies in the spring and summer just like people needing Antihistamines and in some case the dog pill apoquel will work.

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