Endorphin Training For Donkeys

Endorphin Training Donkeys, Mules and Horses – All animals and Humans

The brain is powerful for animals and humans. A bite of our favorite foods is always going to make us feel better for animals and humans. Why is the attitude and mood changed? A massage for animals and humans release chemical change in the brain too it’s due to endorphins. Endorphins in the brain sending signals that feel good a sensation. Working with donkeys, horses and mules just became easier. Endorphins are a natural mood changer.

Endorphins are natural stress fighters are safe narcotics for animals and humans. The brain wants more endorphins as it feels good, helps relax and boosts the immune system. This is a powerful training aide for donkeys. Donkeys are seriously into self-preservation.


Melody, I am worried my donkey will become nippy and bite! I train the owner or caretaker to train the donkey before attempting to give a safe bite of a carrot. One bite for doing something. Never for a try. Humans who are treat dispensers will never be a fair leader. The donkey will quickly do or not do exactly what the donkey wants to do.


Donkey 101 & 102 Trains the Owner or Caretaker To Train The Donkey

Learn how to read your donkeys behavior for signs of stress, relaxation, triggers and personality. Learn how to follow the three second rule. Learn how to give a bite of carrot or a rub on the withers. Training a donkey, mule or horse is all about the human. When you study and learn how to become a fair leader the animal naturally follows you. Donkeys who are in fear will never eat from your hand as anything new takes time. Take Melody Johnson to the farm with you using any smart phone or device. All videos are sold with lifetime Access. 

Training Tip

The donkey handshake is on the withers. Stay away from the face and eyes until your donkey trusts you.

To learn more please go to Donkey Whisperer Farm ® Online Education University.

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