Winter Is The Perfect Time

Winter is the perfect time to study and learn how to train your donkey.

The Donkey Whisperer Farm trains the owner or caretaker how to train the donkey. Donkeys are not stubborn, donkeys are smart. Kinda like a human who has goals and dreams the donkey is determined.

Visit Our Store to learn how we train the owner or caretaker to train the donkey.

Donkey 101 & Donkey 102 Video Series, take Melody Johnson to the farm via any smart device. The moment you pay for the course you are in the video vault. In addition Melody Johnson has created a PDF (print out sheet) for you to read and study, learn donkey behavior, fear, relaxation and valuable lessons to take to your donkey. Stay ON DONKEY TIME ™ NEVER DRILL, end on a good note. The donkey learns from the release. You own lifetime access to our videos.

Check out Our New Fiberglass stick and string to touch your donkey never hit your donkey. 3ft for mini donkeys and 4ft for burro,standard or Mammoth donkeys.

Spring is on its way!

Donkey Whisperer Farm

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