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Momma and Her Baby Donkey

Update – 7/25/2013

Momma and baby donkey are being rescued by Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue. Thank you Bubba!

Please check out this amazing facility as they teach people all over the world how to become an adoption for homeless donkeys.  Like so many rescue organizations they rely on volunteers and donations.

Yesterday I received an urgent message asking me to please help try to find a home for a sweet mother standard donkey (size of a deer) momma black donkey and her baby now two years old.  These donkeys are domesticated and tame, can put the halter on the, pick up their feet and take them for walks.

Contact info:

  1. “Rebecca Dejohn a Donkey Whisperer Angel” I have two donkeys that I am trying to find safe home for they were abandoned and I have been caring for them but no longer can, Lindal, Texas.

Hi Melody, no response yet, the donkeys were left at a ministry here in Lindale, Texas. A friend asked me to come and see them, and I knew I had to try to help them. My neighbor fenced in a small area and agreed to let me bring them there. I have been trying to find them a permanent home. My neighbor needs his land back. I am 62 and find that buying feed has become a financial burden I can no longer bear. I am so grateful for your interest, and praying for a happy ending to this story.

Free services offered if you adopt these two donkeys.  I will coach, consult and train you how to best care for them for FREE., my website is

What can you do to help if you can’t take these two sweet donkeys?

  1. Re-blog
  2. Share on other social media sites
  3. Pray that these two sweet donkeys will not end up in slaughter
  4. Stop encouraging breeding of donkeys, we have an over population of horses, mules and donkeys
  5. When you meet a person who wants to keep a male donkey intact try in a nice way to educate them as gelding is the best for the donkey as Jacks can become violent need to live alone.  Over population makes slaughter inevitable when so many need a home.

Please remember responsible breeders have a contract stating they will take back any equine to their farm when the owner can no longer care for them.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


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