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Preparing A Donkey To Saddle


Training A Donkey To Saddle

Make sure your donkey can do everything in Donkey 101 & 102 Video On Demand. Foundation exercises will build trust between you and your donkey.

2. Never put the halter on your donkey without the lead line on. Placing the halter on without the lead line on is dangerous. Your donkey is depending on you to teach your donkey to follow you as a leader.

DO NOT LEAVE ANY HALTER ON YOUR DONKEY, MULE OR HORSE WHILE NOT IN ATTENDANCE. Train your equine to catch you. Donkey 101 video on demand. 

3. Training a donkey to ride is the last thing you should teach.
4. If you build a solid foundation your donkey will be your partner. Your donkey will follow your words and timing forever. Words, Whoa, Walk-On, Over, Foot, Back-up and Out.

5. Never think you have a trained donkey 100%. No such thing. Everyday is a day to learn and grow with your donkey. Learn Donkey Behavior and Personality. Learn how to control your energy, voice and emotions.

6. Have a plan.  Donkeys can pretend to know nothing with a human who has limited knowledge to donkey personality and behavior traits.  Be consistent. Stay Calm. Stay On Donkey Time ®

7. Every moment you are with your donkey you are training your donkey. Your donkey is studying you.

8. Never Betray A Donkey. Never let anyone hurt your donkey. Be the leader your donkey needs to trust you.

9. You are the smart human. Work hard to show your donkey how smart you are.

10. Enjoy your donkey. Donkeys are gifts from God. Donkeys make us humans better people.  Stay On Donkey Time ®.

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