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Donkey Training 101 Video On Demand – Train The Owner To Train The Donkey

Did you know the best person to train your donkey is you the owner of the Donkey?

The donkey is not a flight equine usually. The donkey is seriously a thinker. The donkey is always going to try and survive any issue that may harm him or her. This means you the owner need to show the donkey you will lead and not follow. A leader is a leader 100% of the time.

Extroverted donkeys or Jack behavior can challenge you. All animals and people can spook when scared. The horse is the flight equine. “More Go Than Whoa” Remember some horses are INTROVERTS. 

Introverted donkeys will not move their feet or lay down when scared or feeling stressed. “More Whoa Than Go” 


Learn the signs of stress, relaxation along with how to lead your donkey and never pick a fight with donkey as you will lose. Donkeys are deep thinkers. If you do not have a plan with a donkey the donkey will get a plan and sooner than later the donkey is leading you.

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Rocket Man mini age 21 where is my dinner hurry!

If you would like to learn how to train your donkey using resistance free methods check out our SELECT VIDEO ON DEMAND and purchase our rope halter with matching lead line. These training tools are an essential part to you learning to live in peace and harmony on your farm. Donkeys need to trust us humans first.

Next we train the donkey to follow us as a leader. Never let anyone abuse your donkey, not another human or animal. Great fences help keep your donkeys living in domestication healthy. A donkey who is in fear has a very difficult time learning just like humans.

Humans have a very difficult time learning anything new if they are stressed or in fear. When you can understand the donkey’s behavior and control your energy, emotions, voice, timing, reward system. The release is when the donkey learns.

The donkey is amazing! I did not ride my donkey or horse for three years due to a serious injury. Guess what my Mammoth donkey did not need a tune up. My horse did 🙂

Donkeys are smart not stubborn. Learning to train a donkey will change your life forever as this is a journey into self awareness. I am accepting a limited number of one-on-one students in 2017. I have been training the owner of the Donkey worldwide since 2010.

Enjoy your farm, enjoy your life. 



GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC


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