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Lost In Translation


I spent several years as an assistant to a trainer at an upscale Rocky Mountain Gaited Horse ranch where we bred, trained and showed over 30 horses. I watched trainers come and trainers go and the reason was always the same: the trainer could not teach what she/he was training to the owner. The trainer would forge an amazing connection and bond to the horse, but this bond, this mutual respect, this communication could not be transferred to the owner. When the owner would interact with the horse the horse was confused, the owner perplexed and soon the trainer fired. Why? The owner expected the horse to respond to him/her like the horse responded to the trainer. This simply never happened. I witnessed this ‘disconnect’ over and over again. Something was lost in translation.

Now donkeys. After 12 years at a donkey ranch I witnessed the same phenomena. Trainers came and trainers went. We even sent our donkeys to trainers off site. Each time I witnessed the donkey join up with the trainer, learn the trainers language, intuit the trainers every move; they were like a fine tuned instrument together. Finally the donkey returned home. The owner entered the scene and everything fell apart. Why wouldn’t the donkey respond to the owner? Why wouldn’t the donkey behave and perform for the owner like he/she did for the trainer? The trainer revealed some of his/her secrets, why couldn’t the owner apply the techniques, why couldn’t the owner speak the language?

It is my personal experience that only owners should be training their equine. Only YOU should be training your donkey! So, what does this mean? In today’s world of technology this is actually good news. With the internet, Skype, Facetime and YouTube there are infinite possibilities for you to learn to train your donkey. If you can obtain a college degree online, email our doctor and learn to play an instrument online, well, you can certainly learn to train our donkey through virtual resources.

So, where to go?

Donkey Whisperer Farm has been on the cutting edge training you the owner to train your donkey. Trainer Melody Johnson offers a basic training course through the Donkey 101 Video Series and does personal one-on-one training sessions through Skype. She teaches you ‘donkey language’, she teaches you how to translate and communicate with your donkey. She teaches you how to join up and energetically bond with your donkey. She teaches you how to send clear messages verbally and with your body language. She trains you to train your donkey basic manners and skills.

When YOU train your donkey there is no middleman. There is no disconnect, there is no confusion, there is no language barrier. When you train your donkey you forge a lifetime bond and commitment and nothing is lost in translation.

We invite you to learn more about Donkey Whisperer Farm online training resources at

Source: Kelly Probst

Select Donkey 101 Video On Demand as we train the owner to train the donkey from the comfort of your home.

Select Donkey Rope Halter for sale (mini, standard and Mammoth) with matching lead lines.

Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC


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