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Preparing The Donkey For The Farrier

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One of the most wonderful days for donkeys owners is the day we bring our donkey(s) home. Donkeys are healthier emotionally, physically and mentally when they have another donkey to grab the neck and play tag. Eat and groom on the withers. One of the first things we must do is get the farrier on a regular schedule to trim the hooves.

In most cases the donkey has not had any form of training for hoof care or the training was used with pain. Donkeys who are trained with pain will remember the pain, making the farrier day difficult. Can this be fixed? Yes. I train the owner or caretaker how to learn donkey behavior, personality and learn stress and relaxation signs. Each of my students can learn how to do an exercise with their donkey and then take me to the farm with them using any smart phone or device. Each video comes with a written book a PDF to learn. I am training the owner or caretaker to train the donkey.

How Often Do We Trim The Hoof?

Six weeks in the spring and summer as the hoof grows faster during the warm seasons

Seven in the fall and winter

Preparation is the key to farrier day

Donkey 101 & 102 Video On Demand with our stick and string trains the owner or caretaker how to train the donkey. Learn how to prepare for the farrier before he/she arrives. Select Our Store to order.

The farriers job is to balance the hoof and trim the hoof. Never to train your donkey. If you expect your farrier to train your donkey this will be a sad day. The donkey must be prepared and trust the human before the farrier work begins.  Preparation and quality exercises in Donkey 101 & 102 will prepare your donkey for the farrier. Please do not expect the farrier to train your donkey. Set your donkey up for success. His life depends on you and your training as re-homing a donkey that cannot get the hooves done and will not come to humans is most difficult.

Donkey 101 focuses on unique and proven techniques that train you, the owner, to train your donkey so you and your donkey enjoy a balanced, positive and rewarding relationship.  Donkey 101 includes 19 instructional videos and a six page PDF that you can print and take to the Farm.


Donkey 101 teaches the fundamentals of resistance-free, natural training for you and your donkey. We offer a holistic training approach that includes insight and guidance into donkey psychology, emotion and behavior. Donkey 101 includes 19 instructional videos with over 1 hour of training content by trainer Melody Johnson and a 6 page PDF outlining and highlighting core training points.

A Small Training Area
Training Tools
On Donkey Time
Building Trust
Three Second Rule
Personal Space
Your Donkey Catches You
Walk-On and Whoa
You are the Leader!
How to Ground Tie
Going in and out of Stalls
Introverts and Extroverts
Backing up
Teaching “Over”
Walk-On, Whoa and Back Up
Donkeys are not Stubborn!
Going in and out of Gates
Taking Your Donkey for a Walk

Donkey 102 E-Training Video Series is for students who have completed Donkey 101. Take an in-depth look into donkey personality, herd mentality, the rescued and traumatized donkey, how to pick up the front and back feet and various other problem solving techniques.

Donkey 102 contains 16 Videos with over 3 hours of training content by trainer Melody Johnson and our 11 page PDF outlining and highlighting core training points.


We are proud to announce our new Donkey 102 E-Training Video Series now available to all students who have purchased and practiced our Donkey 101 Online Training Course. Donkey 102 E-Training Video Series is for intermediate students and takes an in-depth look into donkey personality, herd mentality, the rescued and traumatized donkey, how to pick up the front and back feet and various other problem solving techniques.

1. Introduction
2. Making a Commitment to Your Donkey
3. Knowing the Signs of Stress and Fear in Your Donkey
4. Donkey Personality: Introvert or Extrovert?
5. Understanding Herd Mentality
6. The Rescued or Traumatized Donkey
7. Endorphins Versus Pain
8. Teaching Your Donkey to Tie and Stand
9. Preparing Your Donkey for the Farrier/Veterinarian
10. Blanketing Your Donkey
11. The New DWF Training Tool Stick and String
12. When Your Donkey Does Not Respect You as a Leader
13. Picking Up Your Donkey’s Front Feet
14. Picking Up Your Donkey’s Back Feet
15. Having Fun with Games and Obstacles
16. Conclusion: Your Donkey is Waiting For You!

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Trainer/Owner

Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

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