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So You Want To Be A Farmer

Donkey Whisperer Farm ® 

img_8146The Donkey Whisperer Farm ®  is a blessing. We will thank GOD for this farm forever as our farm is GOD’s blessing. GOD bless the farmer and his/her way of life!

Farmers work hard! No vacation time, no sick days, no time off. 

  1. Every seed we plant will grow food. Food for animals and humans to consume.
  2. The land will reward us when we take the time to give back.
  3. Everything starts with the soil
  4. The farmer has a big office
  5. Farmers prepare for spring in the winter
  6. The farmer must be a planner and very careful with their budget
  7. Farmers get dirty every single day
  8. Farmers breathe fresh air every single day, rain, snow, wind or hot
  9. Farmers love to share 
  10. Farmers pray and plant 

What to Consider?

  • Vision and Values: A farm is personal, a vision and values of the individuals who start the farm. Farms are dying each and every day. Small farms need another income to keep running this is a fact. Farming is very difficult to make a profit as the overhead is greater than the fiscal rewards most years.
  • Place Matters: We must do our homework to ensure the part of the world we purchase land has everything we need to grow the food source. Do your homework.
  • Planning: New farms need to have a well designed business plan that takes into consideration individual infrastructure and financial needsthe viability of marketing strategies, and the farmer’s production capacity and knowledge.
  • Education and Experience: Preparation, knowledge, and training are essential. But so is being able adapt quickly to the unexpected, to persevere when factors beyond one’s control conspire against you, and knowing how/when/what/where to expend time, energy, and resources. Prayer is very important. God is in control 100%.
  • Managing risk: It is helpful to plan careful to manage risk through diversification, financial management, and the ability to withstand a couple of bad years.
  • Wait for the funding to come before you grow your farm! We advise to grow your business in phases. Do not borrow money unless it is absolutely need. Be patient and wait.

Source: So You Want To Be A Farmer

GOD Bless You And Your Family Two And Four-Legged!


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