Donkey Are Skeptical Of New Things

Hello donkey lovers, Did you know donkeys are deep thinkers? Yes it’s true donkeys are chess players, donkeys stop and think about everything new deeply. Never force a donkey give the donkey the opportunity to think and process all information as this will make the next interaction much easier for the donkey and of course… Read More Donkey Are Skeptical Of New Things

Spring Donkey Care

Donkeys evolved from the desert one of their gifts is the ability to survive and thrive on low sugar and protein forage that grows in the desert. Spring showers makes mud, green high sugar weeds and grass. Yes, weeds and fescue grass are extremely high in sugar. Create a dry paddock connected to a paddock… Read More Spring Donkey Care

Donkeys Need To Lay Down To Sleep

Donkeys, horses and mules need to lay down to sleep to keep their immune system strong. Laying down to sleep creates rapid eye movement (REM) a deep dream state. How can we ensure our equine are getting REM sleep? Make sure your donkey has another donkey to feel safe and your shelter is big enough… Read More Donkeys Need To Lay Down To Sleep

Anatolian Shepherd Puppies

Do you have a homestead or a farm that is loosing livestock? Consider the Anatolian Shepherd livestock guarding dog. Remember donkeys do not make good livestock guards. Donkeys grab the neck in play and in battle. Donkeys require special foods, hoof care, vet care. A dog is going to be much cheaper in the long… Read More Anatolian Shepherd Puppies

Happy Easter

He has risen! Thank you JESUS! Read The miraculous message of EASTER by Joyce Meyer Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

Senior Donkeys Need Extra Help

Rocket Man has been in our life for the last seventeen years he is truly precious and deserves only the best in life like all donkeys, mules and horses. Each spring our veterinarian comes to the farm to give the five way shots, fecal samples and work on the donkeys and horses teeth that need… Read More Senior Donkeys Need Extra Help

Rope Halter Vs Flat Halter

Many equestrians have stopped using the flat nylon halter made with nylon and metal on the face, known as the flat halter. Donkeys naturally push into pressure, the flat halter helps the donkey push more. Sadly many of the donkey shows are using a flat halter with a chain under the chin. In the horse… Read More Rope Halter Vs Flat Halter

Donkey Diet – Consider A Track

Donkeys evolved from the desert, donkeys need low sugar/protein hay. Portion control is very important for donkeys as they love to eat and can become obese quickly leading to serious health issues. Donkey health issues caused by obesity laminitis, hoof abscesses, white line disease, hoof crumbling, fat in the blood, insulin resistance. American donkeys are… Read More Donkey Diet – Consider A Track

Donkey Not Drinking In Winter

Donkey, Horse and Mule Winter Care: Donkeys are stoic will not show pain until in most cases it is to late. Colic prevention is highly recommended for donkeys. To Do List: Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

White Line Disease

Read White Line Disease What Is It How Do I Control it Please understand that donkeys hooves and bodies are way different from a horse! Donkeys metabolize drugs and foods differently. Donkeys evolved to live in the dry rocky desert. Donkeys that live in wet, muddy, green lush pastures or eat with the cows, sheep… Read More White Line Disease

Burro Adjustable Halter Combo

Donkeys have unique heads, nothing like a horse. Donkeys need custom halters, blankets, fly masks, boots. Trying to put a horse halter on a donkey will result in the halter being too big or too small. We adopted two formerly wild burro’s from Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue last fall. These burros were born in the… Read More Burro Adjustable Halter Combo

How To Stop Your Donkey From Biting

Congratulations you own a donkey. If you only have one donkey please consider getting your donkey another donkey to live with twenty-four seven. Geldings with geldings and jennies with jennies always works best. Try and get the size fair as donkeys grab the neck in play and battle and managing the weight is easier if… Read More How To Stop Your Donkey From Biting

Donkeys Are Wood Eaters

Donkeys are not horses with long ears, donkeys are donkeys. Donkeys evolved from the desert they love to eat wood. Donkeys will seek out roots, dig holes, bark and leaves. Make sure you keep toxic leaves and trees away from donkeys. Donkeys are stoic will hide pain and sickness, sometimes it is too late to… Read More Donkeys Are Wood Eaters

Does A Donkey Need A Blanket?

Donkey Care: Donkeys evolved from the desert, donkeys are not horses with long ears. Healthy young donkeys can usually handle mild winter. Donkeys fur is Not waterproof. Please remember extreme wind chill and cold can kill even the most healthy animal if preventive care is not provided. Donkeys are stoic meaning they hide pain. I… Read More Does A Donkey Need A Blanket?

Donkey has a lump

Please understand donkeys are not horses with long ears. Donkeys have a unique biological system that needs to be treated by a veterinarian experienced with donkeys. Please be sure and ask your veterinarian to do his/her research before treating a donkey with drugs and surgery. Please ask your veterinarian to check all lumps you find… Read More Donkey has a lump

Miniature Donkey Singing

Donkeys are emotional and intelligent beings. Read five sounds a donkey can make. Did you know only a few donkeys can sing? Yes its true! Rocket Man is the only donkey on the Donkey Whisperer Farm ® that can sing. Did you know that some donkeys never bray? Introverted donkeys do not bray ever. They… Read More Miniature Donkey Singing

Donkey Paradise Paddock Track

How can I create a track for my equine? Read the book Paddock Paradise, Jaimie Jackson for some ideas. We have three tracks on the Donkey Whisperer Farm ®, one connected to our mares (horses) shelter, one to the standard and burro’s shelter and one connected to the miniature donkeys shelter. Due to the diet… Read More Donkey Paradise Paddock Track

Fireworks Your Animals Need You To Have A Plan

Fireworks and Pets Not A Good Combination: Plan ahead to keep pets safe; owning pets is a huge responsibility and for those of us who have equine (donkeys, horses, and mules) living in rural areas, we must be extra careful. The equine is a flight or fight animal when terrified of death. Meaning; they can get scared when the… Read More Fireworks Your Animals Need You To Have A Plan

Looking To Adopt Donkeys?

Donkeys needing forever homes located at Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue in Riverside WA. Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue, Riverside WA Satellite Adoption Center Mgr, Paulette Quiroga-Jacklin (509) 322-4995 All of these donkeys have went through the training program at Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue. Please remember to get two donkeys never one unless you have a lonely… Read More Looking To Adopt Donkeys?

Donkey Livestock Guardian

Will a donkey make a great livestock guardian? I am happy to share seventeen years of experience with donkeys. Very few donkeys make great livestock guarding donkeys. Donkeys are intelligent and emotional beings that prefer to live with their own species, eat, drink, play, groom and sleep together along with grabbing the neck, biting, playing… Read More Donkey Livestock Guardian