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Check Your Donkey, Horse or Mule For Shivering


A blanket is like a fire exinguisher we hope we do not have to use it, be prepared when the emergency strikes. Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

Please watch your donkey for signs of hypothermia! By origin donkeys are desert animals and yes, they have adapted to many climates out of survival, but when temperatures get below 20 degrees, they may suffer.

Watch for shaking, tucking of the tail, standing off alone and a decrease in activity, appetite and drinking. Should you see any of these signs immediately blanket your donkey, get him/her into a warm shelter, and call your veterinarian. Hypothermia can lead to colic and even death.

Please check the blanket every day for sores etc., remove when the weather is back to raining and or the donkey is not needing stall rest per your vet. No blanket is 100% waterproof. We need to change them out and use common sense. If you have shelter, slow feeder with hay and warm water and your donkey is not shaking their fur works just fine and drys perfectly. Senior equines, donkeys with sickness can and do need our help while living in domestication. As always discuss this with your vet before the freezing wind and snow comes. Additionally remember trainig your donkey to wear a blanket should be done before the cold comes. 

Need help training your donkey check out our Donkey 101 & 102 Video On Demand. Select Donkey Training 102 Video On Demand with my E-book to print out.

Please check your equine for shaking as this is a warning sign that your equine is in distress even with shelter.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Trainer/Owner

Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

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