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Spring Arrives On The Donkey Whisperer Farm, WA


Last Sunday afternoon we hit 70 in Kingston, WA yeh! I gave Rio, Rocket Man and Miss Lily a little trim. I never do a complete body shave on my donkeys just around their eyes, jaw line, donkey tail and a buzz cut on their mane. My horse is much easier she gets a buzz cut for her bridle path and I remove the long hair on her fetlock. That’s it for her.

Why do I leave the fur on the donkeys?

Donkeys know when it is time to shed and the fur protects them from the insects. 🙂

Why does my donkey have bald spots?

I would check for lice. We use Permectrin recommended by our vet. Place on the poll all the way to the tale and repeat the dose in two weeks to kill the eggs. The birds poop and the donkeys have such thick fur the birds transmit it. Buzz off is safe and effective do not get in their eye place on the pole of their back and rub in with a brush. After you are finished clean the brush in bleach water.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


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