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Training The Owner To Train The Donkey

Select Donkey Whisperer Farm Training the owner to train the donkey, mule or horse.  

The Donkey Whisperer Farm rope halter is made by hand to fit the Mini, Standard and Mammoth donkey. This is a powerful training tool, yacht rope will never mold.

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We sell mini, standard and Mammoth donkey halters with matching lead lines. LIFETIME WARRANTY, FREE SHIPPING.

We are all about donkeys, mules and horses!

Donkey Whisperer Farm is all about donkeys, mules and horses! We celebrate, educate and promote these magnificent and intelligent beings. We are dedicated to building public awareness about equine personality, behavior and are deeply invested in educating and empowering you with safe, holistic, resistance-free training methods that foster a strong bond between you and your equine.

The Farm

Nestled in the breathtaking Dungeness Valley on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State is a magical place known as the “Donkey Whisperer Farm”. Twenty acres of sprawling pasture, Paradise Paddocks, and a state of the art barn is home to “Rio” a magnificent Ambassador for the American Mammoth Donkey, “Tuba” and “Oboe” two rescued Standard Donkeys and three adorable Miniature Donkeys, “Rocketman”, “Maximus” and “Roy”. Joining this menagerie of Longears are two gorgeous horses; “Miss Lily” a purebred Palomino Quarter Horse and “Miss Trophy” an elegant black American Saddlebred.

Donkey Whisperer Farm is also home to trainer and animal behaviorist Melody Johnson and her husband Scott. Here, Melody’s life long passion for equines drives her commitment to sharing and educating the public about donkey behavior and welfare and teaching owners and caretakers natural and progressive training methods for donkeys, mules and horses.

As Melody reflects, “In 2007, after purchasing an untrained twenty-month-old Quarter horse filly, a nine-month Mammoth Donkey gelding and a thirteen-year-old Miniature Donkey gelding, I began looking for a natural approach to training my diverse family of equines. I clearly needed training tools and instincts that crossed species lines without the use of resistance or punishment, but at the same time kept me and my equines safe.”

Nearly a decade later, the foundation of Melody’s Online Training Program is natural horsemanship, resistance-free techniques, balanced energy, leadership and great respect for all equine. She calls upon her spiritual intuition and gifts from Jesus Christ, which include her unique ability to bond with equines, empathetic nature and natural instincts.


GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


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