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Trim Day On The Farm

Friends of the Donkey Whisperer Farm,

As soon as we hit 70 degrees I trim around the jaw line, eyes, mane and donkey tale for my donkeys. I do not do an entire body clipping as I do not show my equine. The thick donkey fur keeps the insects off the donkeys and they know when to shed. My Horse is way easier just a bridle path trim and a little long hair around her fetlock as she has already blown most of her coat by now.



Please share my new wold-wide virtual coach, consultant and trainer business for owners of donkeys, mules and horses.  I need your help to make my business a success. Thank you!

Want to learn more about how I can teach you from my computer to your computer world-wide?

Select Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC for more details.  Video can be sent to me from your smart phone no need to upload to you tube. We Skype once a week and I give detailed home work for training you to train your equine. My Skype name is DONKEYWHISPERERFARM2010.

How can I pay for lessons? Select Our Store and you can pay world-wide with any credit card. We use KEYBANK e-commerce for the best security available.

Once you are a student of mine you have free access to me via phone or e-mail for questions. I do not charge to review your videos as other trainers do.  100% refundable guarantee if you are not satisfied with your lessons with me. Thank you for sharing my new business by re-blogging or adding to your social networks. 

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


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