Donkey Is Bonded To Cows

Donkeys usually prefer to live with their own species. Donkeys have photogenic memories, they remember good and bad memories forever. If a donkey is forced to live with just a cow or a bunch of cows in a field without another donkey and later in life, the donkey is re-homed into a herd of donkeys and cows more than likely the donkey will want to hang out more with the cow. Why? For so many years the donkey lived with the cows without a donkey companion, no doubt guarding the cows against coyotes or predators as this was his/her job. Most of these guarding donkeys have never had any hoof trims, teeth checked, fecal samples, and shots, etc., These donkeys have no idea what a halter/lead line is or what a human can do for the donkey. The donkey prefers to shadow what is familiar and safe in his her mind.

Rehabilitation for this donkey will take having a plan and being patient. I suggest Donkey 101 & 102 Video On Demand, my stick, and string and my halter/lead line. Take one of your honor donkeys into training with this donkey. Why? The honor donkey will have calm energy and this donkey will learn visually as all donkeys are visual learners. Let this donkey see you taking the honor donkey for walks, brushing, and lots of massages. Donkeys learn by watching. It is important to move into the next step of placing your hands on the donkey and training the donkey in short sessions outlined in Donkey 101 & 102 Video On Demand.

Can this donkey become a trained donkey to take a walk on the halter and lead line and get his feet trimmed? Yes! The owner will need to learn donkey behavior and how to train the donkey and become a much-needed asset to the donkey. This donkey has never had human care much about him other than throwing hay out and give water and salt.

Thank you for investing in your donkey,

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Trainer/Owner

Donkey Whisperer Farm ®

2 thoughts on “Donkey Is Bonded To Cows

  1. That is a fascinating story. Although most readers of my donkey blog are more familiar with Rubí donkey (who writes her Rubí Tuesday blog posts), my biggest donkey Matilde who is a dappled grey part-Andaluz jennet makes frequent mooing noises. Reading your blogpost about the lovely cow-donk I was reminded where I bought my original two donkeys. Rubí and Matilde were bought from a mixed animal breeder and the donkeys were housed in stables next to a cow shed. I wonder if that’s where Matilde learned her mooing and ten years later she still repeats the sound!

    Incidentally, Rubí donkey’s blogpost today is about how to make a decorative donkey face-mask.

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