Fireworks and Pets


Fireworks and Pets Not A Good Combination:

Plan ahead to keep pets safe; owning pets is a huge responsibility and for those of us who have equine (donkeys, horses and mules) living in rural areas we must be extra careful.  The equine is a flight or fight animal when terrified of death. Meaning; they can get scared when the fireworks start, and the smell is in the air.  Some horses have been known to run into fences.  Locking them in their stalls is the safest when neighbors are shooting off fireworks I turn the radio up and give lot’s of hay and fresh water.

Want to read more tips on pet safety and fireworks?  Select Blue Cross Pets Fireworks for more details.

Dogs and cats can get so scared of fireworks they can run off and not be able to find their way home best to keep them locked in the house too. Our doggies get very stressed, turning the radio up helps, some people tranquillize their dogs until the fireworks are over.  I say do whatever you have to do to keep your pets safe as they don’t understand fireworks.  Please remember animals do not understand fireworks “they are truly scared and think they will die.” It’s our job as the smart human to protect them and take care of them.

What do you do to keep your pet(s) safe during the fireworks?  Please leave a comment to help others.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!


9 thoughts on “Fireworks and Pets

  1. NEVER take pets to a fireworks display! So glad you are posting these warnings in such a timely manner before the 4th of July fireworks activities!

  2. Two of my furbellies are petrified of fireworks, thunder, lightning…so I keep the kitchen radio on, country as well, and keep them in peace. Seems the one fella has gotten a little better as he has gotten more years, but previously, he shook, salivated and was really panicked. We said no to meds because they caused him to stagger and he would not be himself for days. So now, I have a half door in the kitchen so he is confined with my others, that seems to comfort him. Hope this helps someone to extend a little extra compassion and understanding.

  3. When I was young, we lived a couple of blocks from the school where fireworks were held every year. My dog, a mutt named Bosco, hated those fireworks. Ever since then I make sure that I either live far away from fireworks or make sure that I’m home with my pets while the fireworks are going on.

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