Straight Talk – Rio The Mammoth Donkey






Friends Of the Donkey Whisperer Farm,

My name is Rio I have high jacked the Donkey Whisperer Farm Blog to give you a few of my thoughts.  I am six years old now and I am way taller than the mini donkey Rocket Man and the blonde horse Miss Lily!

How tall am I?

16’2 hands tall, I am a mammoth donkey no horse in me I am 100% donkey b0y.    I am a blessed donkey as each day my humans provide me with mold free, low sugar (orchard) hay, some white salt and loose salt.   I get clean water every other day, just so you know us donkeys are pretty picky about clean water.  I get bored easily as unlike the horse I can think all of the time and I do think all of the time.  I enjoy playing with my toys the orange traffic cone, black grain bowl and my Parelli ball is great fun .  I enjoy playing tug with Rocket Man my best buddy and I love grabbing his neck this is all normal stuff us donkeys love to do.  When I am running and playing my ears are flat back not because I am mad like the horse because I am a donkey.  Please understand when we are running and playing our ears go back sometimes but this does not mean we are mad or angry it just means we are thinking and playing.




Just because I’m big does not mean I am not afraid of new things – I’ve been an introvert all of my life it’s just who I am.  I need the human to slow things way down when introducing new things as well I like to stand back and watch to see what happens before giving it a try.  I prefer to let Lily the blonde horse I share my life with go first as she is pretty darn extroverted and she not only goes first she pushes me out-of-the-way to be first.  Silly horse she just can’t stop and think like us donkeys as the adrenalin takes over for her and then she has to run and buck a bit.  Please remember if you own a donkey we are not horses with long ears we are donkeys!

I get stinky feet so my humans pick my hooves out each and every day just like they brush their teeth.  My mom uses bedadine solution and water in a spray bottle when it rains too much to help keep the thrush away.  I need my teeth looked at by the vet at least once a year and I get a few shots each year.  I love to be talked to, kisses on my nose and lot’s of brushing and walks and talks with my humans.  On a special occasion I carry a child just because my humans understand I will take the most care of a child.  I am indeed the worlds smartest equine I am the mammoth donkey.  If you want to learn more about Mammoth Donkeys or any donkey google them.


If you own a donkey and you’re a bit confused about how we think I would like to share one thought for you.  “We are really smart, we think all the time, we think after you go back into your house and we get bored fast we never ever forget anything, remember us donkeys are always On Donkey Time.”  


Thank you for reading my human mom’s blog & Happy New Year!

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