Why Train The Owner To Train The Donkey?

The Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC rope halter is an adjustable halter made to fit from four-months to full-grown. Mini, Standard and Mammoth donkey halters with matching lead lines are available for sale.

Select OUR STORE to order. Never leave any form of halter on your donkey, horse or mule while not in 100% attendance to avoid self-mutilation or death.  

Teach your donkey to catch you, never chase your donkey. Donkeys love their human when they feel safe in fact so very much they will move others in the pasture away from you. Donkeys are saying Stay Away From My Human! Remember you are the leader. Everything we do with donkeys means something. Donkeys have a savings account with their human. If the donkey determines we are not worthy to be a fair leader the donkey will not only be done with you the donkey will start to have Post Traumatic Stress with any human who smokes, is a woman, man, wears a hat and more. If the donkey see’s you do nothing while your donkey is abused by a human or animal (dog etc.,) your donkey will deem you not a leader. Any time you can show your donkey you are taking care of the donkey you are adding to your savings account. 

Training a wild donkey is always easier than training a donkey who has been abused by people.

Did I tell you donkeys are smart not stubborn. Donkeys are visual learners. Adopt a wild donkey and do not be afraid as this is going to be an amazing journey. Your donkey will teach you all about you! Donkeys are healers!

Why train the owner to train the donkey?

The donkey must trust the human before we can train the donkey. Donkeys are thinkers, game players they are not flight equine. This does not mean your donkey will not spook. All donkeys can spook. Many factors come to play when owning a donkey as in all equine the more we can show the donkey we are a fair leader and expose them to our human world the better the donkey will be. Donkeys generally do not enjoy loud music, and chaos. Donkeys are comical and intelligent. “Donkeys are not stubborn they are smart” if your donkey is not learning perhaps it is time for you to learn how to train your donkey. It’s all about you! Stay ON DONKEY TIME when training your donkey and remember your donkey will learn best when you do not drill. Wait another day and stay consistent in your words, timing and training techniques.

The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus) is a desert equine.  

The Donkey evolved in the desert. The donkey is truly an exotic equine in my most humble opinion. The donkey is a game player who can read a human in 3 seconds. 

  1. Abuser – Predator
  2. Treat Dispenser
  3. Fair Leader

The owner is the person responsible for the health, care and life of at least two donkeys. Donkeys need to live with another donkey. I suggest a couple of male gelding for the newbie donkey owner. Never a Jack or Stallion horse world. Jennies can be more difficult as they have estrus. Some gelding donkeys will bite, try to mount a female when in estrus I suggest keeping the jennies in one pasture and the geldings in another. This is your farm and your rules. My job is to help you the owner setup your farm for peace and harmony.

If you own donkeys you understand how important it is to train your donkeys. Sadly most donkeys in our world do not get treated fair. The abuse is horrific and not needed in any way.

Please take a look at Donkey 101 video on demand to help you begin learning how to be a fair leader.

“Donkeys require the same care as a horse”

Trimming of the hooves at least every eight weeks, vet care, teeth, shots, health check-ups, fecal samples, tested low sugar/protein hay, clean water, shelter, slow feeder. Check the body for sores and watch how your donkey moves to notice any health changes. Exercise is vital to the health of the desert equine, keep your donkey moving. Care and planning is imperative to the health of domesticated donkeys.  

Donkeys are stoic – Meaning they will never show pain until it is too late. Donkeys die every day from pain or sickness, your vet and trimmer must work together. Please call the vet as soon as you see your donkey laying down more often than normal. A body in motion stays in motion. For the donkey staying down is death! We must do everything we can to get them up and moving again as soon as possible. Your vet is always your best option.  Please do not throw your donkeys out in a pasture and expect them to survive in domestication. Your domesticated donkey is depending on you as you brought the donkey into your life. 



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