Video On Demand “Donkey 101” Trains The Owner To Train The Donkey


Select Training The Donkey


The photo above was drawn specifically for Melody Johnson to provide promotional education to save the life of donkeys. Sadly a donkey who has no training is at risk for sales, auction and slaughter. Please share this blog post as you could be saving a donkey’s life. A big thank you to Jeff Elison, you can find his christian drawings on facebook. 

Donkey Whisperer Farm is proud to announce Donkey 101 Online Training Video Course, the first in a series of online training courses by Trainer Melody Johnson.

Donkey 101 teaches the fundamentals of resistance-free, natural training for you and your donkey. Donkey 101 offers a holistic training approach that includes insight and guidance into donkey psychology, emotion and behavior. Donkey 101 focuses on unique and proven techniques that train you, the owner, to train your donkey so you and your donkey enjoy a balanced, positive and rewarding relationship.

Donkey 101 includes 19 instructional videos and a PDF highlighting the vital aspects of donkey training for just $59.99. Videos include such topics as, building trust, staying on donkey time, teaching your donkey to catch you, introverts vs extroverts, teaching your donkey “walk-on and “whoa”.

Select DONKEY TRAINING VIDEO ON DEMAND – Take The Donkey Trainer To The Barn With You On Your Smart phone.melodyrio2016dwf101crRocketmaneyeminis-rope-halter

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GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC

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