Training A Donkey, Horse or Mule




I have rehabilitated donkeys, horses, mules and dogs. I understand the animals and how pain is a horrific way to teach any animal or human. 

How do I do this?

First I must build a relationship with the animal, tame the animal. Prove I am a leader without abuse. I have techniques to stay safe. Abuse is never needed to train.

The brain cannot learn under stress. Please remember old school training uses pain. Pain will cause you more problems down the road with equine. Please do not use this old cowboy training. People and animals learn when they are safe and calm. Not when under fear and pain.


Donkeys and some mules not all will never forget anything you teach them. A new person they will pretend to know nothing. Interesting.

Please learn how to train another way. I am excited to teach you natural training. Fair leadership, you will be the leader and you will be safe. Never train the day the trimmer comes preparation is done before the trimmer or vet comes.

If you want to learn how to train a horse, donkey or mule you must learn how to control your emotions. Match the energy of the equine, have empathy and learn how to be plugged in 100% to your equine when you are with them. Release energy and wait for the equine to learn.


Signs of Relaxation

Lick lips, blow out, cock a foot. These are signs of relaxation. Always end your Short training session on a good note. Never drill a donkey, horse or mule.


Signs of stress,
Diarrhea water blowing out not just poop. Head high, tale tucked, or high. Back sunk in. Equine (introvert will lay down or not move the feet, they will not hear you eyes are glassed over). Extroverts will do anything to get away from the stressful situation including run over you.

Learning starts the minute we release! Get your timing down and stay ON DONKEY TIME. Life is relaxed and we are never in a hurry.

Preparation is the key to success in anything we do. Never drill any equine (horse, donkey or mule). Short training sessions that are quality will work the best and wait another day. End all training sessions with something the equine knows how to do. 🙂

Have a great day and remember your donkey, horse or mule is not a vehicle. They have personalities, emotions, fears and a past in most cases.


Select OUR STORE for training anywhere in the world I teach you from the comfort of your home. We sell hand-made donkey halters to fit your donkey, and a little handmade artwork ON DONKEY TIME.

GOD bless you and your family two and four-legged!

Melody Johnson, Donkey Whisperer Farm, LLC


13 thoughts on “Training A Donkey, Horse or Mule

  1. Thank you for this beautiful post. My favorite horse quote, that I try to always keep in the back of my mind is: “You can never rely on a horse that is educated by fear! There will always be something that he fears more than you. But, when he trusts you, he will ask you what to do when he is afraid.” – Antoine de Pluvinel (1555-1620).

    1. Fear is a dangerous horse. Life survival is all the horse, donkey and mule is thinking about. Just like us humans who have survived abuse or trauma. PTSD is real for animals too. Thank you for stopping into my blog and leaving a comment. Have a wonderful blessed day. Melody

  2. you are a compassionate and kind soul. i wish that everyone understood this and trained/tamed animals in this way. i have adopted a rescue cat that has been through a traumatic experience and we are slowly building our trust relationship together, step my step. what you say makes so much sense –

    1. After enduring a difficult life I understand life. Pain never works in training the human or the animal. Safety is number one in my training program for the owner to learn how to train. Never is violence or pain needed. Thank you so very much for reading my blog and taking a moment to talk to me. Melody

      1. I am a survivor of a motor vehicle accident while riding as a passenger, I almost died and now I am physically disabled for the rest of my life. I am grateful I can walk, talk, think and enjoy my life the best I can. I live my life with purpose. We never know when our time is up. Nice to meet you!

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